4,425 research outputs found

    Timing Control System

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    A timing control system is disclosed which is particularly useful in connection with simulated mortar shells. Special circuitry is provided to assure that the shell does not over shoot, but rather detonates early in case of an improper condition; this ensures that ground personnel will not be harmed by a delayed detonation. The system responds to an externally applied frequency control code which is configured to avoid any confusion between different control modes. A premature detonation routine is entered in case an improper time-setting signal is entered, or if the shell is launched before completion of the time-setting sequence. Special provisions are also made for very early launch situations and improper detonator connections. An alternate abort mode is provided to discharge the internal power supply without a detonation in a manner that can be externally monitored, thereby providing a mechanism for non-destructive testing. The abort mode also accelerates the timing function for rapid testing

    Pilot-study use of the tachistoscope in elementary grade reading

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    The classroom teacher in the modern elementary school faces many challenges. Among these are limited classroom facilities, large-size classes, double session, wide ability range of pupils, supplementary assignments, and often inadequate material resources. In spite of these problems, the teacher strives to advance his pupils as far as their interest and ability and skill as a teacher will permit. New ideas in teaching, additional means of motivation, and improved techniques of instruction attract his interest. Because reading plays such an important role in the elementary school programs, the teacher is especially attracted to suggestions and improved techniques of teaching this basic skill. The use of tachistoscopic devices to aid in the teaching of reading has recently been advanced. The advocates of tachistoscopic techniques propose that training in eye-movement skills, perception span, and flash recognition will aid in the development of the total reading skill of pupils. The present investigation proposed to explore this area of learning through a controlled experiment in the use of a tachistoscopic in the reading program of a typical elementary school

    The development of the primordial germ-cells in Pisces (a review of the literature)

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universit

    Toward dialogue in the classroom: Learning and Teaching through Inquiry.

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    Como la investigación continúa mostrando, la interacción en la mayoría de las aulas sigue estando dominada por el maestro, con un guión de participación de los alumnos basado en lecturas y recitación de la información, siendo éstos los formatos típicos por medio de los cuales se realiza la enseñanza. Sin embargo, hay excepciones documentadas que demuestran que incluso cuando la estructura del discurso predominante está basado en la forma tradicional de intercambio Inicio–Respuesta–Seguimiento (I-R-S), como sucede con la recitación memorística de información, los salones de clases pueden ser lugares en los cuales el conocimiento se co–construye dialógicamente. A este respecto, las preguntas que subyacen a la investigación que se presenta en este artículo son: ¿puede impulsarse de manera deliberada y sistemática un cambio hacia la interacción dialógica? Y, de ser así, ¿cómo?ITESO, A.C

    Toward dialogue in the classroom: Learning and teaching through Inquiry

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    There is increasing agreement among those who study classrooms that learning is likely to be most effective when students are actively involved in the co-construction of meaning through discussion of topics that are of significance to them. This paper reports the results of an extended collaborative action research project in which teachers attempted to create the conditions for such discussion by adopting an inquiry approach to the curriculum. A quantitative comparison between observations made early and late in the teachers’ involvement in the project showed a number of significant changes in the characteristics of teacher-whole class discourse, with a shift toward a more dialogic mode of interaction. Nevertheless, the frequency of stretches of “true discussion”, as defined by Nystrand et al.(2002), remained low. When the same observations were examined qualitatively, however, there was clear evidence of an increase over time in the teachers’ success in engaging students in co-constructing accounts and explanations. The paper concludes with a reconsideration of the purpose of “dialogue” in the classroom and of teachers’ goals and strategies in trying to achieve it.ITESO, A.C

    Digital developments in Scottish Studies

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    Beyond the intricacies of audio recording equipment and the electric typewriter, technology hasn’t always been a big part of Scottish Studies. The past few decades, however, have witnessed the growing impact that digital technologies are having on our field. To get a sense of what lies ahead, this essay examines the efforts of three scholars involved in transforming access to source materials and reshaping the terms of scholarly enquir

    Timing control system

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    A timing control system is disclosed which is particularly useful in connection with simulated mortar shells. Special circuitry is provided to assure that the shell does not overshoot, but rather detonates early in case of an improper condition; this ensures that ground personnel will not be harmed by a delayed detonation. The system responds to an externally applied frequency control code which is configured to avoid any confusion between different control modes. A premature detonation routine is entered in case an improper time-setting signal is entered, or if the shell is launched before completion of the time-setting sequence. Special provisions are also made for very early launch situations and improper detonator connections. An alternate abort mode is provided to discharge the internal power supply without a detonation in a manner that can be externally monitored, thereby providing a mechanism for non-destructive testing. The abort mode also accelerates the timing function for rapid testing

    Editorial Introduction

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    This issue of Networks is the last in a year that has seen a tightening of constraints, both political and educational, in response to the increasing violence that has characterized relationships between nations, cultures, religions and economic classes. In education, in almost all the richer countries, there has been a tighter focus on basic skills and the memorization of an increasingly large body of core knowledge , assessed through standardized tests, and a concomitant narrowing of the opportunities for student initiative, choice, and sustained investigation of questions and issues that they find personally significant. Teachers feel harried and hurried, with little or no time to explore topics in depth or to seize and develop the teachable moment

    TDMA frame design for a prototype underwater RF

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    Very low frequency electromagnetic communication system is used in a small scale underwater wireless sensor network for coastal monitoring purposes, as recent research has demonstrated distinct advantages of radio waves compared to acoustic and optical waves in shallow water conditions. This paper describes the detailed TDMA and packet design process for the prototype sensor system. The lightweight protocol is time division based in order to fit the unique characteristics and specifications of the network. Evaluations are based on initial beach trial as well as modeling and simulations

    Editorial Introduction

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    Welcome to the second issue of Networks. A new journal takes a while to become established, but we are gratified by the interest that the first issue aroused and pleased to be able to publish the second in this school year